Mission & Evangelism
St. Mary & St. Bartholomew's Church
supports these mission outreach projects.

We invite you to a hot nourishing supper meal in a warm, safe environment.
(No charge)
Saturdays – 4:30-5:30 pm
St. Mary & St. Bartholomew’s Church
(646 Westmorland Road)
We are asking everyone to remember to be kind and follow direction from our volunteers.
Let us know if you have any questions.
We look forward to serving you.
Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” John 6:35

"Building Community Together"
The SMSB Mission Centre
The SMSB Mission Centre is a project designed to meet the needs of the surrounding community by offering Food Security, a Clothes Closet, and various other services based on seasonal and professional needs.
Construction of the SMSB Mission Centre was finished in February 2020. The Dedication of this new facility took place on Sunday, October 11, 2020.
The Saint John East Food Bank operates out of the building. The ministry is open on Tuesdays and Fridays, 12 noon to 3 pm.
Volunteers manage 'The Kings Closet,' a free clothing depot, open on Tuesdays and Fridays during the same hours of the Food Bank.
For more information on the SMSB Mission Centre, please visit our website at: http://smsbmissioncentre.com or visit the Facebook page: SMSB Mission Centre.